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About us

We are an enthusiastic group of advocates committed to assisting those dealing with debt.

Our Purpose

We firmly believe that there is no reason for you to feel embarrassed about being in debt – you are far from being alone. Millions of people are in the same boat. We are here to equip you with the help and support you need on your journey out of debt.

There’s a hidden crisis in the UK with millions of people in debt, and the situation is continually deteriorating.

One of the most challenging aspects of handling debt is admitting it. You might feel mortified asking for assistance, but voicing your concerns is typically the most crucial step towards financial recovery.

At DebtNerd, a sister brand of MoneyNerd, we want you to understand that you’re not alone.

There’s always a way to become debt-free!

Whether it’s improved financial management or halting debt collectors by arranging an IVA, we’re dedicated to ensuring that debt does not dictate your life.

If any of the above resonates with you, please contact our partner, The Debt Advice Service. They’ll listen to your situation without any judgment. Once they understand your circumstances, they can guide you on the optimal steps to regain control of your financial situation.

If you’re in debt, you can discover your options by completing our debt form.

And rest assured. We are not here to sell you anything.

Only about 1 in 100 calls results in being referred to a formal debt solution (like an IVA or a Debt relief Order – government-approved solutions that might write off some of your debt).

Hundreds of people reach out to us, so don’t hesitate!

Our Background:

In 2017, Scott Nelson, who carries over a decade of expertise in the credit card and loan industry and launched some of the most recognizable UK brands, founded MoneyNerd.

The crippling effect of the credit and loan industry on many UK residents led him to recognize the urgent need for help. Given the increasing living costs, rising inflation, and growing instances of debt and bankruptcy, he felt the need to act. Utilizing his in-depth industry knowledge, he established MoneyNerd with the objective to provide genuine help.

How DebtNerd Works

DebtNerd is a financial information website. We offer free guides to aid our readers in getting out of debt.

We specialize in giving information to people who:

  • Are being pursued by debt collectors
  • Have received unjust tickets or fines
  • Require advice on improving their financial situation

Ready to Embark on Your Journey to Financial Recovery?